var dev=""; function eBookOpener() { this.maxWin = null; this.winWidth = null; this.winHeight = 0; this.winLimitWidth = 1024; this.winLimitHeight = 768; this.winStyle = null; this.winStyleName = null; this.albumID; this.dirPage = 1; this.eBookUrl; this.ViewerStyleList = new Array("eBookFull", "eBookCustomer", "eBookDefault", "FullScreen"); this.GetWinStyle = GetWinStyle; this.OpenBook = OpenBook; this.reMax="N"; this.User = null; this.bUrl = null; this.reBook = null; this.SearchKey=""; this.SearchType=null; this.Search_year1 = null; this.Search_month1 = null; this.Search_day1 = null; this.Search_year2 = null; this.Search_month2 = null; this.Search_day2 = null; this.ClassInit = null; this.HTMLFILE = 0; this.Group = null; this.subGroup = null; this.BroswerCheck = "IE"; this.IEver = 5; this.openChk = 1; this.openType = "WIN"; // 20100427 this.iPhone = iPhone; this.chg_script = chg_script; this.GetValue = GetValue; //20110104 this.GetIdentifier = GetIdentifier; this.iPhoneStore = ""; this.iPadStore = ""; this.androidMarket = ""; this.smart_chk = ""; //20111217 - Mobis Customer variable this.customer_print_water_mark = "a_mode/infoImage/print_water_mark.png"; this.customer_print_water_mark_pos = "0-136-244-40"; this.customer_print_complete_title = null; this.customer_dept = null; this.customer_rank = null; this.customer_user = null; this.customer_ip = null; this.customer_idx = null; this.customer_url = null; } // 20100427 function iPhone() { var osx = window.navigator.appVersion; if(osx.indexOf("iPhone") > 0 || osx.indexOf('iPad') > 0 || osx.indexOf('iPod') > 0 || osx.indexOf("Android") > 0) { if(osx.indexOf("iPhone") > 0) return "iPhone"; else if(osx.indexOf('iPad') > 0) return "iPad"; else if(osx.indexOf('iPod') > 0) return "iPod"; else if(osx.indexOf("Android") > 0) return "Android"; } else return ""; } function chg_script(js,pid, del) { var pLoad = false; var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var script = document.createElement("script"); if (head.getElementsByTagName("script").length > 1) { for (var i = (head.childNodes.length - 1); i >= 0; i--) { if (head.childNodes[i].nodeName == 'SCRIPT' && head.childNodes[i].id == pid) { if(del) { head.removeChild(head.childNodes[i]); } else { pLoad = true; break; } } } } if(!pLoad) { script.src = js; script.type = 'text/javascript'; pid; head.appendChild(script); } } //20110104 function GetValue(url, res) { try{ new Ajax.Request( url , { onSuccess: function( transport ) { var domain = "http://"+transport.responseText+"/autoalbum/connectBook.html" + res; try{ location.href="SoftBook:"+domain; }catch(e){alert('false');} } } ); }catch(e){ setTimeout("this.GetValue('"+url+"', '"+res+"')", "500"); } } function GetIdentifier(url,aid,uid,device,js) { /* try{ new Ajax.Request( url , { onSuccess: function( transport ) { var getStr = transport.responseText; if(!getStr) { this.chg_script(js,'smartSc', 1); return; } var gu = getStr.indexOf("||"); var lgu = getStr.lastIndexOf("||"); var identifier = getStr.substring(0,gu); var tStr = getStr.substring(gu+2); var gu2 = tStr.indexOf("||"); var aname = tStr.substring(0, gu2); var tStr2 = tStr.substring(gu2+2); var gu3 = tStr2.indexOf("||"); var dbnum = tStr2.substring(0, gu3); var tStr3 = tStr2.substring(gu3+2); var gu4 = tStr3.indexOf("||"); var site = tStr3.substring(0, gu4); var tStr4 = tStr3.substring(gu4+2); var gu5 = tStr4.indexOf("||"); var cdomain = tStr4.substring(0, gu5); var tStr5 = tStr4.substring(gu5+2); var gu6 = tStr5.indexOf("||"); var smart_app_name = tStr5.substring(0, gu6); var tStr6 = tStr5.substring(gu6+2); var app_url = tStr6; if(this.iPhone() == "Android") { identifier = identifier.toLowerCase(); } switch(device) { case "iPhone" : device_name = "아이폰"; app_name="앱"; break; case "iPad" : device_name = "아이패드"; app_name="앱"; break; case "Android" : device_name = "안드로이드"; app_name ="어플"; break; default : device_name = "스마트폰,타블렛PC"; app_name="어플"; } try{ if(confirm("'"+device_name+"'용 \""+ smart_app_name + "\" " + app_name + " 이 설치 되어 있을경우 \"승인\" 또는 \"확인\" 버턴을 터치시 열람이 가능합니다. \n설치 페이지로 이동은 \"취소\" 버턴을 눌러주세요")) { location.href= identifier+"://"+aid+"/"+aname+"/"+dbnum+"/"+cdomain+"/"+uid+"/"+site; } else { location.href = app_url; } }catch(e){alert('false');} } }); }catch(e){ var obj = this; setTimeout(function(){obj.GetIdentifier(url,aid,uid,device,js);},500); } */ } // function browserVersion(){ this.BroswerCheck = (function x(){})[-5]=='x'?'FF3':(function x(){})[-6]=='x'?'FF2':/a/[-1]=='a'?'FF':'\v'=='v'?'IE':/a/.__proto__=='//'?'Saf':/s/.test(/a/.toString)?'Chr':/^function \(/.test([].sort)?'Op':'Unknown' ; if(this.BroswerCheck == "IE") this.IEversionCheck(); } function IEversionCheck() { var ver = 5; if( navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") > -1 ) // IE? { if( navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6") > -1) // IE6? ver= 6; else if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf( "MSIE 7") > -1) // IE7?IE7? ver = 7; else if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 8") > -1) // IE8?IE8? ver = 8; } this.IEver = ver; } function GetWinStyle() { this.smart_chk = this.iPhone(); var smart = this.smart_chk; if(this.maxWin == "Y") { var tmpFullScreen =""; this.winStyle = 0; } else var tmpFullScreen = "" ; if ( this.winStyle == null ) { this.winStyle = 2 ; } if( ( screen.width <= this.winLimitWidth || screen.height <= this.winLimitHeight) ) { this.winStyle = 0 ; } switch ( this.winStyle ) { case 0 : // Default window this.winStyleName = this.ViewerStyleList[0]; this.winTop = 0 ; this.winLeft = 0 ; this.winWidth = screen.width ; this.winHeight = screen.height ; if ( screen.width != screen.availWidth ) { this.winWidth = screen.availWidth } // TaskBar Width if ( screen.height != screen.availHeight ) { this.winHeight = screen.availHeight } // TaskBar Heigh if(this.BroswerCheck=="Saf") this.winHeight -= 25; this.maxWin = "Y"; break; case 1 : // corporation customer window this.winStyleName = this.ViewerStyleList[1]; if(this.winWidth < this.winLimitWidth) { this.winWidth = this.winLimitWidth; } if(this.winHeight < this.winLimitHeight) { this.winHeight = this.winLimitHeight; } this.winLeft = (screen.width - this.winWidth) / 2; this.winTop = (screen.height - this.winHeight) / 2; break; case 2 : // user customer window environemnt this.winStyleName = this.ViewerStyleList[2]; this.winWidth = this.winLimitWidth; this.winHeight = this.winLimitHeight; this.winLeft = (screen.width - this.winWidth) / 2; this.winTop = (screen.height - this.winHeight) / 2; break; case 3 : // Full Screen this.winStyleName = this.ViewerStyleList[3]; this.winWidth = screen.width; this.winHeight = screen.height; this.winLeft = 0; this.winTop = 0; break; default : ; } this.winStyle = "top=" + this.winTop + ", left=" + this.winLeft + ", width=" + this.winWidth + ", height=" + this.winHeight + ", directories=no, location=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=no, status=no, toolbar=no" + tmpFullScreen ; } function OpenBook() { // NOTE : process v1.6 , v1.8 param type for naver var bro_status_chk=null; this.GetWinStyle(); var eBookClient = null; try { var u = this.eBookUrl; if(u.indexOf('view.html') > 0) var formPage = u.replace('view.html', 'connectBook.html'); else if(u.indexOf('bbb.html') > 0) var formPage = u.replace('bbb.html', 'connectBook.html'); var resOpt = "Falbum="+this.albumID+"&FmaxWin="+this.maxWin+"&FdirectPageNum="+this.dirPage+"&Fbhi="+this.winHeight+"&UserDumy="+this.User+"&scw="+screen.width+"&sch="+screen.height+"&bUrl="+this.bUrl+"&openerHTML="+this.HTMLFILE+ "&SearchKey="+this.SearchKey+"&SearchType="+this.SearchType+"&Search_year1="+this.Search_year1+"&Search_month1="+this.Search_month1+"&Search_year2="+this.Search_year2+"&Search_month2="+this.Search_month2+ "&fspGroup="+this.Group+"&subGroup="+this.subGroup+ "&customer_print_water_mark="+this.customer_print_water_mark+ "&customer_print_water_mark_pos="+this.customer_print_water_mark_pos+ "&customer_print_complete_title="+this.customer_print_complete_title+ "&customer_dept="+this.customer_dept+ "&customer_rank="+this.customer_rank+ "&customer_user="+this.customer_user+ "&customer_ip="+this.customer_ip+ "&customer_idx="+this.customer_idx+ "&customer_url="+this.customer_url; var sQuery2 = formPage + "?" + resOpt; var basePath = formPage.replace("connectBook.html", ""); //var jqueryJS = basePath + "js/JQuery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"; //this.chg_script(jqueryJS, 'jquerySc', 0); var smart = this.smart_chk; if(smart.length > 0) { //var prototypeJS = basePath+"js/prototype/prototype.js"; //this.chg_script(prototypeJS, 'prototypeSc', 0); var smartJS = basePath+"common/lib/smart.html?UserDumy=" + this.User + "&album_id="+this.albumID+"&smart="+smart; if(smart == "iPad") { var IdentifierURL = basePath+"common/lib/getIdentifier.html?UserDumy="+this.User+"&album_id="+this.albumID+"&device=tpc&smart="+smart; smartJS += "&device=tpc"; } else { var IdentifierURL = basePath+"common/lib/getIdentifier.html?UserDumy="+this.User+"&album_id="+this.albumID+"&smart="+smart; } smartJS += "&sq="+encodeURL(sQuery2); smartJS += "&ws="+encodeURI(this.winStyle); smartJS += "&wn="+encodeURI(this.winStyleName); smartJS += "&direct=yes"; if(this.openType == "WIN") { eBookClient =,"_blank",'fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=auto'); } else { location.href = smartJS; } this.openChk = eBookClient.closed; this.openChk = 0; bro_status_chk = 0; } else if(this.openType == "WIN") { eBookClient =, this.winStyleName +"_"+ Math.round(Math.random() * 100), this.winStyle); this.openChk = eBookClient.closed; } else { location.href = sQuery2; this.openChk = 0; } } catch (e) { //alert("팝업창이 차단되어 책자를 열지 못하였습니다.\n\n아래 \"전자북 보기\" 버튼 또는 책자 표지를 클릭 하거나\n\n위 노란 표시줄의 팝업 차단을 해제 하여 주시면 책자를 열람 하실수 있습니다."); bro_status_chk = "block"; } if(this.reMax == "Y") { self.opener = self; self.close(); } if(this.ClassInit==1) { OpenEBook = new eBookOpener(); } return bro_status_chk; } OpenEBook = new eBookOpener(); function encodeURL(str){ var s0, i, s, u; s0 = ""; // encoded str for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++){ // scan the source s = str.charAt(i); u = str.charCodeAt(i); // get unicode of the char if (s == " "){s0 += "+";} // SP should be converted to "+" else { if ( u == 0x2a || u == 0x2d || u == 0x2e || u == 0x5f || ((u >= 0x30) && (u <= 0x39)) || ((u >= 0x41) && (u <= 0x5a)) || ((u >= 0x61) && (u <= 0x7a))){ // check for escape s0 = s0 + s; // don't escape } else { // escape if ((u >= 0x0) && (u <= 0x7f)){ // single byte format s = "0"+u.toString(16); s0 += "%"+ s.substr(s.length-2); } else if (u > 0x1fffff){ // quaternary byte format (extended) s0 += "%" + (oxf0 + ((u & 0x1c0000) >> 18)).toString(16); s0 += "%" + (0x80 + ((u & 0x3f000) >> 12)).toString(16); s0 += "%" + (0x80 + ((u & 0xfc0) >> 6)).toString(16); s0 += "%" + (0x80 + (u & 0x3f)).toString(16); } else if (u > 0x7ff){ // triple byte format s0 += "%" + (0xe0 + ((u & 0xf000) >> 12)).toString(16); s0 += "%" + (0x80 + ((u & 0xfc0) >> 6)).toString(16); s0 += "%" + (0x80 + (u & 0x3f)).toString(16); } else { // double byte format s0 += "%" + (0xc0 + ((u & 0x7c0) >> 6)).toString(16); s0 += "%" + (0x80 + (u & 0x3f)).toString(16); } } } } return s0; } var beForUrl = ""; function mbookzView2(domain,args,pn,max,User,winStyles) { if(!args) { alert('초기 카테고리가 설정 되지 않았습니다.'); return; } if(!beForUrl) { beForUrl = encodeURIComponent(location.href); } OpenEBook.albumID = args; if(max) OpenEBook.maxWin =max; if(pn) OpenEBook.dirPage = pn; if(User) OpenEBook.User = User; if(beForUrl) OpenEBook.bUrl = beForUrl; if(winStyles) OpenEBook.winStyle = parseInt(winStyles); OpenEBook.eBookUrl="http://"+domain+"/autoalbum/view.html"; var op = OpenEBook.OpenBook(); OpenEBook = new eBookOpener(); } function mbookzView3(domain,args,pn,max,User,winStyles,SearchKey) { if(!args) { alert('초기 카테고리가 설정 되지 않았습니다.'); return; } if(!beForUrl) { beForUrl = encodeURIComponent(location.href); } OpenEBook.albumID = args; if(max) OpenEBook.maxWin =max; if(pn) OpenEBook.dirPage = pn; if(User) OpenEBook.User = User; if(beForUrl) OpenEBook.bUrl = beForUrl; if(winStyles) OpenEBook.winStyle = parseInt(winStyles); if(SearchKey) OpenEBook.SearchKey = encodeURIComponent(SearchKey); OpenEBook.eBookUrl="http://"+domain+"/autoalbum/view.html"; var op = OpenEBook.OpenBook(); OpenEBook = new eBookOpener(); }